12 Tips to create a unique booth design for a Trade show

Triumfo Inc
3 min readNov 17, 2022

The World is transforming. And the need to showcase new products, services and innovations is high in demand more than it has ever been. With so many exhibitors wanting to showcase their products and services, how to catch attention to our booth remains a thought. Every exhibitor would like to attract traffic to its booth, but to do so they must ensure that not just the products and services but the booth design also makes an impact. The booth design must be designed so creatively that it catches attention and leaves a mark in the minds of attendees. Here are some tips to create a unique booth design for a trade show booth design.

Define your brand’s theme

Incorporate what makes your brand special and define the underlying theme of your brand in your graphics, brochures and designs.

Highlight resolution of issues

Highlight what problems are you addressing that have been resolved by your brand for which you are showcasing your products.

Connect with the audience

The main reason to exhibit is to connect with visitors and generate leads. Have some trained staff at the custom exhibit who can have an engaging conversation with the customers and meet and greet ethics.

Use colors to brighten up your space

Ensure that your booth has some bright colors. People don’t like to be at a place that feels dull and monotonous. Some bright colors are good to catch eyeballs.

Give away some basic needs facilities at the booth

Customers like to be at a place where their basic needs are being taken care of. Give away small water bottles for free. Ensure a free wi fi connectivity at your booth.

Comfortable and attractive seating

Customers will be more receptive to you if you have provided a comfortable seating arrangement for them. It gives them a chance to stay longer to your booth and explore your products and services. Make some special arrangements of having picturesque seating for visitors to have an opportunity to click a few photographs. This way they have a snapshot of your banner in their album for you to have a better chance of being remembered.

exhibit rentals

Overhead Hangings

One of the best ways to draw attention to your booth is by using overhead vertical hangings. They can be seen from far and makes the booth look more spacious than its size.

Custom-made your booth design.

Custom-made booth design is one of the great way to stand out from the other basic ones. Don’t be afraid to spend on your booth design. It will pay off.


There is a variety of exhibition booth lighting available in the market. Choose the ones that suit your booth best and lit up your space. Ensure that your booth is well lit up and has some interesting mix of lighting to catch attention.

Avoid Cluttering

Your booth should be breathable enough to accommodate a few customers easily and should not feel cluttered. By taking care of small tips you can enhance the look and feel of your booth and get more traffic.


It’s a nice idea to use fragrance at your booth to enhance the aesthetic experience of attendees.

Host a special guest

Host a special guest or educational lecture at your booth for making your booth come alive with fresh ideas.



Triumfo Inc

Triumfo Inc. is a leading trade show booth design company in USA. Offering complete exhibition services in all around the world. https://www.triumfo.us/